Having both discovered agriculture in their respective colleges, Kjersten and Dirk Oudman both found their ways to a training farm in Texas where they met and fell in love. After managing farms in Michigan and Wisconsin, Kjersten and Dirk Oudman decided it was time to put down roots in South Dakota, Kjersten’s home state.

We’ve been farming for seven years at this point - as interns, employees, and managing a rented farm. But this is different because this is home. It’s where we raise our kids - Reuben and Marja (and farm puppy, Sam). Where we apply what we’ve learned and continue to grow. Where we can build soil for the long term. And hopefully where we can be a part of a community that is bigger than ourselves.

We farm because it’s our vocation, our passion, and because we love good food. We farm because we want to serve others. We farm to encourage health and good memories around a dinner table. As we grow in the South Dakota soil, we’d love for you to join us in however you can. We’re dreaming of blue skies.

Read our farm story for yourself! We were highlighted in Pigeon605 in 2022:

Couple with passion for vegetable growing to offer custom-choice farm shares

How We Farm

  • Soil Health

    Soil is the foundation of life. Soils are living media that includes nutrients, decomposing matter, insects, and microbes. Without healthy soil, vegetables would have no nutrition. We use minimal tillage and add organic matter to the soil to keep it balanced.

  • Cover Crops

    Cover crops are plants that give back to the soil. They prevent erosion, sequester carbon, and decrease compaction, and provide nutrients for crops. We use cover crops in rotations with vegetables to decrease diseases and build soil health.

  • Organic Inputs

    When we do use pest protection, we opt to use all organic-approved products. We prefer to use products that use beneficial microbes to control pest populations rather than broad spectrum chemicals. All of our fertilizers are also organic.

  • Water Conservation

    Water is a limited resource - especially in semi-arid South Dakota - so we strive to make best use of our access to the shared resource of groundwater by using drip tape that delivers water directly to plants root system and minimizes loss of water through evaporation.

  • Plastic Usage

    Small-scale farms use a lot of plastic in production and packaging. We use plastic mulch for certain crops as a way of weed management and water retention. But we look for alternate solutions to plastic and try to reuse and recycle the plastic that don’t have alternatives.

  • Sustainability

    Sustainability is a buzzword, but we believe it relates to all facets of our farm - labor, the environment, and finances. We strive to be a farm that balances sustainability in a greater system. We want to pay people a fare wage, be a wise business, and stewards of our environment so we can sustain people and the earth.

About the Farm

Our 25-acre farm is 1 mile north of Worthing, SD. As far as we’ve been able to learn, the farm was previously owned by a family who raised dairy cows (you can still see the stanchions in the old dairy barn). We chose this farm because of the flat, healthy soil. We love finding little parts of the previous farm family’s history - like their initials in concrete or scribbles on the wall of the grainary. It reminds us that though we never met them, we benefit from their intentional and hard work.

Fly over our farm!

One of our Farm Share members has a drone and made this wonderful video for us in July 2023 of our farm!