C is for Connection

If you’ve been around the local food scene long enough, you’ve likely heard of CSA. But even if you’ve never heard of a CSA, no worries, we’ll catch you up! It’s a clunky acronym for a powerful way of farming.

CSA stands for "Community Supported Agriculture". The model of CSA farming has its roots in many different areas - from Japan, to Europe, Chile, and the U.S - but at its most basic it is a way to connect a farm and customers directly.

We believe this connection is important. On a broad scale, we are disconnected from the food we eat. When we buy vegetables at the grocery store, we're often not sure where they come from. Depending on where you shop, your vegetables could come from a local, organic farm or from a farm in Mexico.

Disconnection from our food raises a host of other issues like freshness, concerns over pesticides, fair wages for farm workers, and rising costs due to inflation and transportation.

Knowing your farmers (that’s us) means you can ask us questions about how your food is grown.

You can swap recipes with us.
You can visit the farm.
You can tell us if you want us to grow more of a certain vegetable.
You can even hold us accountable.

We value our members. Our members are the reason we farm. We love knowing the kale we harvest is going to be in your scrambled eggs at breakfast the next day. It gives our work purpose and compels us to maintain high standards.

Example of a weekly share members could receive

The way CSA works on our farm is through a Farm Share. We use the term “Farm Share” instead of CSA because it reminds us and our customers that we all share in the farm’s success. How it works for us is:

  1. Members sign up in advance of the season to “reserve their spot”.

  2. Every week from June 7 to October 11, we provide members with seasonal vegetables they can choose to be in their share (our shares are custom-choice!)

  3. We harvest, pack, and deliver the vegetables to you every Tuesday afternoon from June 7 to October 11

Our Farm Share operates on “shared risk and shared rewards”. So if we get a bumper crop – our members are the first ones to benefit. We may have times of shared risk as farming is a risky business, but even in those times we strive to provide you with as much as we can.

Our hope is to bring good food to your table. And it all starts with that initial connection between you and us. If you join us this year, you're connected to our farm and our family.

This blog was originally an email newsletter. If you want to stay up-to-date with the happenings at Blue Sky Vegetable Co., sign up for our email newsletter below!


Recipe: Split Pea Soup